Alisa Nails
Questions you always ask

Our work is practical. It’s very important to practice, experiment, and learn from mistakes. No video will stop you and guide you when making mistakes.

A practical course offers personal attention and lets you learn at your own pace, based on your skills and experience. You get personal guidance from an experienced instructor and not from a computer screen.

My course includes products, explanations about them, and tips for saving money!

During the course you also get marketing guidance.

I’ll share all the secrets connected to marketing yourself and finding new clients.

For your convenience, the course takes place in the morning hours, in the evening hours, and on Fridays.

From my experience, the morning is the best time to learn because you come with an open mind, energy, and ability to understand the information. In the evening, your head is “shut off” and busy after all we’ve gone through during the day.

A nail technician can earn 6000, 8000, 10,000-15,000, and even up to 30,000 shekels per month!

Every client has her own favorite. Our work is like a stamp. It’s a work of art. Every client chooses whatever suits her. The clients choose what is best for them in terms of availability time, location, work style, attitude, and the personal connection with the nail technician. There’s always demand, and everyone’s work schedule is busy.

Correct work, investment in your clients, and good personal attention and service are keys for keeping your clients with you and bringing new clients into your customer base. Of course, documenting your work and marketing it on social media is also important. If you’ll be doing a good job, it will pass by word of mouth, the clients will reach you, and your schedule will be full!

First of all – find a good CPA!

It’s not expensive, only about 300 shekels.

The CPA will guide you about opening a business, you’ll start as an exempt dealer and grow from there…

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