
  • Familiarity with the products.
  • Theory of the natural eyelashes.
  • We’ll learn how to individually recognize all the eyelash types, pliability, and lengths.
  • Eyelash renewal.
  • Work method.
  • The right amount of work for each client individually.
  • Correct identification and preparation for eyelash lifting.
  • Picking the right eyelash pliability for the client.
  • Correctly combing and arranging the natural eyelashes.
  • Mistakes during work and how to deal with them.
  • Correctly tinting the natural eyelashes without leaving marks, choosing the right color, the individual tinting time for each type of client.
  • Treating natural eyelashes with keratin, what makes the eyelash hair look healthier and undivided.


  • How to identify who can receive this service and who cannot?
  • Preparing allergy test.
  • Treatment after eyelash lifting.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Disinfection and sterilization of the tools.

Bonus for those purchasing the course:

We will learn how to make beautiful pictures from the right angles, before and after pictures for promotion and marketing.

One day.

Certificate will be given at the end of the course.

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